We have been working on two films for the University of Connecticut School of Nursing. While in production, I was in daily contact with the teaching staff and with the nurses there.
I am awed by their commitment. It is inspiring. Touching. To watch these nurses, men and women, go about their business. The business of caring.
The primary motivation in their life is care. Of older people, of premies, of pregnant women, of sick children, of the handicapped. Looking after the emotions as well as the physical well being of their patients, by giving 100%. A beautiful thing. A breath of fresh air. We at Tribe are proud to be given the opportunity to showcase their contribution. Our small bit in this holiday season.
Great photographs. And touching too.
Thank you. Nurses need more recognition for the hard work they do. They are so often taken for granted. They often get very knowldegeable medically as they are in daily contact with patients. I knew a doctor who always went to a nurse in his hospital when he was sick!
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