Friday, September 24, 2010

How Online Video Is Driving Global Innovation.

TED's Chris Anderson makes a convincing argument for how online video is driving innovation.

This quote resonated,"Cisco estimates within 4 years, 90% of the web's data will be video. If it's all puppies, porn and privacy we're doomed." So there you is the standard of communication now. How successfully we use it to communicate is up to us.

Friday, September 17, 2010

The Kids Are Back In School. And So Is Tribe...In 4 Of Them Actually.

Tribe's films for colleges and not-for-profits have helped our clients raise over 4 billion dollars. We are honored to be part of their incredible campaigns and efforts to make a difference and impact. This fall Tribe is in production on films for four universities.

184-yr old Lafayette College in Pennsylvania is undertaking a bold initiative to invest in its faculty. Celebrating the power of teaching. Who better to tell this story than Lafayette's alumni whose contributions mentor and make possible the power of teaching? Tribe is producing a film that will capture both, the need and the generosity of investing in our teachers for Lafayette.

For Washington and Lee, Tribe will produce a film that will be used in its ongoing branding and marketing initiatives. The film will celebrate its storied 261-yr old history, vibrant campus life in Lexington, Virginia today, and aspirations for the future.

At University of Connecticut, School of Business, Tribe is producing a film that showcases the school's global presence and innovative training - of business leaders at the national and international level and for a competitive global workforce of today.  

Tribe is also making a film for Pennsylvania based Swarthmore College. The film's goal is to thank donors for their participation in their last capital fundraising campaign. We're working with the good folks at Swarthmore to find a really clever and witty way to do this.

All very exciting and busy for the next few months. Of course we'll keep you posted on progress.

Have a great weekend in the meantime!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The New - Video Makes It Richer, Faster, More Exciting!

The Internet is abuzz with Twitter's announcement to integrate multimedia into its stream. Exciting news for advertisers and companies looking to engage viewers with video and multimedia. Not to mention Twitter might finally be on a monetizing path.

Doubt Twitter's popularity or a huge fan of pretty infographics? Check out the ultimate list of 100+ Twitter Statistics.