Thursday, January 14, 2010

Tragedy in Haiti

We've been shaken by the tragedy in Haiti. Hard to go on with our daily lives when we know there is so much hardship not so far from us. Particularly sad that a country struggling with many difficulties has to face one more. We are hoping that the international help coming in will be helpful in saving more lives and in rebuilding. And that the solidarity we have witnessed on the news might create a new sense of unity within a country torn by internal factions.

While we at Tribe are contributing to the charity effort with donations (see link below for various charities) we are sending as a team our heartfelt sympathy to the people of Haiti and to all those in the United States who have family or are in some other way affected personally by the tragedy.

1 comment:

Frederic said...

It's been so hard on the poeple of Haiti. We need more luck in our country, we need help. America has showed us care and we appreicate and hope we are not forgottern because we still need.