Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The chicken or the egg? A Modern Affair or The Backup Plan?

A Modern Affair - Grace tells Peter she's pregnant from A Modern Affair on Vimeo.
We won't try to solve the famous riddle of which came first, the chicken or the egg. But we can tell you that A Modern Affair came way before The Backup Plan was even conceived. Several film critics describe in their reviews (below) how they have been struck by the similarities in plot. We'll let you judge which version they liked better.

From Trey Dominique, film critic at The Lafayette Times:

"While watching the trailer, I had the funny feeling that I’d seen this movie before, so I did a little digging. Sure enough, the plot is remarkably close to 1995’s A Modern Affair. A Modern Affair was more romantic-drama than rom-com, but the story is close enough for me to classify this as another Hollywood recycle that I probably won’t need to see."

From Amy Steele, film critic at Entertainment Real:

"Of course as there are few original films out, The Back-Up Plan is a remake of 1995′s A Modern Affair with Stanley Tucci and Lisa Eichhorn. "

 From Carol Cling, film critic at Las Vegas Review Journal:
"There's a potentially insightful movie tucked inside "The Back-Up Plan's" connect-the-dots premise. (It's called "A Modern Affair," an edgy 1995 comedy that starred Lisa Eichhorn and Stanley Tucci.) But "The Back-Up Plan's" too busy spinning its sitcom-style wheels to move beyond the most broadly obvious humor."


Heliotrope said...

Pretty convincing reviews in terms of A Modern Affair's plot being looted. Tell the truth, I don't even feel like watching the whole The Backup Plan as the reviews have been not exactly raving about its humor and acting.

Carol said...

Don't you love when Hollywood takes perfectly good movies and remakes them poorly?

Mephisto said...

Many movies are "recycled" by Hollywood. They look at an old or older movie, and if they like the plot, they transform it just enough to escape liabiilty. With a little bit of help from their lawyers! That's where the big bucks are!

Carol said...

Oh, it certainly is where the big bucks are. But you have to admit that in almost all cases, the original movie is far superior to the "remake".

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